Saturday, July 26, 2008

Back in the saddle again...

Ahhh- back in Tampa. What a week. Last Friday, flew to Richmond for a mini-family reunion of sorts, and the only people who read this know exactly how that went. And so, I am in the mood to answer the Thursday questions...

1. When was the last time you lost your dignity?
Hmmm- don't think that I have- yep, it's right here.

2. If you were forced to sing a karaoke song, what would you sing?
"Gold Finger" (Bah Baaaah Bummmm)

3. Do you own any fake or knock-off items that you pass off as the real deal?
Had a Rolex from Asia, bought out of the inside of a jacket, for $10. I thinks it was real...

4. Other than family, who are you most happy to see each day?
Molly Brown and Peter Martin- although Captain Merril Stubing is always a plus, and come to think of it so is The Quiet Man.

5. What have you learned by just hanging back and observing?
To speak up and stop hanging back- get out there people...

6. What item(s) must you buy every week?

7. What are you presently on a quest for?
The perfect Sage-ish Green- Ivory White Fairy-Wedding Gown for Mands

8. Do you know any bimbos?
Like, I don't know, like maybe, like like like fur-sure

9. Do you have any true enemies?
Aaron possibly, Amy, (hmmm-maybe people who's names start with A)- Mands- I hope not

10. What do you need to get rid of but just can't bring yourself to part with it?
my Jaguar-

~Bonus Question~Have you ever been alarmed at the smell of your own body?
Yes- I have had some funky-ass breath, I don't think it was natural, and not a smell- but I only get one really-wet-sweaty-stain-marking-armpit. I call it the Army-Hair pit. Quite alarming I say!

Das ist alles! Ciao Leute!


Robin said...

Why is Aaron your enemy? Frenemy? And I can't believe you didn't mention the unnatural feet stink from a few years back.
Well, I already answered your question from my blog, so . . . Thanks for sending me all the fun photos!

Keri said...

Comedy club Aaron-don't think he liked me at all. Forgot about the feet, hmmm...