Sunday, July 13, 2008

Peter Martin poops in secret...

I never see him poop anymore- and he doesn't go in the house, so it is quite a mystery. Not sure what is going on. Molly on the other hand, has unbelievable poop control. She can stop mid-poop to keep Peter Martin from stealing her soccer ball, recover said ball, and move to another corner of the yard- and finish. Wow. I can't do that, but then again, I've never had to defend anything mid-poop. Curious, says I.

So- as you might have noticed, random Thursday questions were not posted this week. Another mystery. Possibly Janet was mid-poop, and could not stop- so decided to for-go the questions and continue about her business. I accept the challenge, being Janet's number 2- and will post this week's random questions.

1. Can you walk by a mirror, window, what have you- and not look at your reflection to check yourself out?
No, I cannot. I don't know if it's obsessive or not- but I always got to check my shit out.

2. Do you pick or blow your nose?
I cannot successfully blow my nose- it is not a talent I possess, so toilet paper in hand, I do the former. Disgusting, but these are the random questions people.

3. Do you possess the "spitting" talent?
This is something I cannot do as well. I can spit my gum out like a baseball player, pretty far too- but normal spit- I got nothing. Except maybe some left over drool by the attempt.

4. What is something you ate regularly as a kid, but no longer eat?
Bologna sandwiches. It went out when my mom stopped making my lunches. I see you can still purchase Bologna, so people- probably unfortunate kids, are still eating it. But do adults? I say no way jose.

5. Why did the deaf blonde sit on the newspaper?
Answer to follow to those who leave comments- I want to know what you think may be the answer.

6. Fundraisers, do you think all the money raised really goes to the cause?
I hope so- my sister and I received an award for most money raised for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa this week. And then we bowled. (oooh, interesting word bowled- fits right in there with my toilet humor this morning)

7. What is your highest bowling score?
recently 188, overall, 277.

8. Thoughts about manners, are they necessary or are they for conformists?
I believe they are necessary, and that you are not a conformist if you have good manners. It's a lost art that I wish more people took notice of.

9. Now a days, are there really "accidental" pregnancies?
I say in rare occasions yes, like people who have their tubes tied, and thought they were good to go, but for whatever reason became pregnant. Other than that- nope.

10. Out of the 20 people you know personally, and you were on Survivor- who would be the first to be voted off? and who would you keep till the end??
Off the island- Aaron, former co-worker- or possibly Steve Holmes for those of you who know comedy. Keepers- Bandersnatch. She's good people, and I'm oldest- enough said.

~Bonus Question~ Please list your 6 favorite numbers, 1-59- I'm playing lotto this week. Those of you who are curious about my 6 favorite numbers, well they are 1, 25, 8, 12, 23, 22, and 35.

Thanks for playing. I'm looking forward to this upcoming weekend in Richmond. Any bad vibes??

K-Rock City is out!


Robin said...

Did you make up the questions? Giving Janet a definite run for her money if so. (By the way, she reappeared on Friday and said she had just forgotten to post the questions because she was going away for the weekend. Lame.) No bad vibes.

Sionnach said...

No bad vibes. Question 7~ She was trying to absorb the news through osmosis? I don't know. I want to know why she was deaf in the first place.

Have you ever thought that maybe Molly eats P.M.'s poo? It's been known to happen.

Robin said...

Mandy, don't be so gross in your commenting. Nobody wants that visual. :) What's the stupid answer to the joke?