Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ahhh the questions...

What a boring morning!! Thank goodness for the questions. What a quick pick-me-upper :)

1. Have you ever knowingly used someone to get something you want?
Yes- sorry about it!

2. In your opinion, is there a particular part of the world that produces exceptionally engaging or interesting people?
The Netherlands- such engaging people

3. What is an instant buzz kill for you?
This question!

4. Are there any general assumptions you find have some truth to them?
What goes around, comes around...

5. If you had a personal assistant, what tasks would you delegate to him/her?
Keeping my house clean!!! I hates chores!!! And also, designated driver, yeah- that's the ticket

6. What would your ideal personal assistant look like?
Alfred- me too, good call!

7. Have you ever seriously choked on a piece of food?
No- but I did save Robin's life by Heimlich Manuever

8. What sayings or colloquialisms are unique to your geographic area?
Fuck'em if they can't take a joke

9. Is there the contact information/address of a deceased person in your email address book or cell phone roster?
Not anymore, poor Aunt B hung in there for awhile

10. In what ways are you inept?

~Bonus Question~Who; what; when; where; and why?
Who: You
What: stink!
When: this week
Where: everywhere
Why: why not?

Saturday, August 23, 2008


1. In what ways are you naughty?
Multiple unknown super undercover smoke breaks

2. What do you continuously find yourself justifying?
Alcohol relaxes your inhibitions

3. Other than you, who know you the best?

4. In your opinion, is there a particular part of the world that produces exceptionally odd or strange people?
Northern Europe- strangely tall and big footed, ladies too

5. How spiritually evolved do you think you are?
I think I'm at level 5

6. When was the last time you were awestruck by the attractiveness of a stranger?
Today- not really the attractiveness, but definitely awestruck. I'd like to give a shout out to Andrea at the bridal gown store!!!

7. Do you have a secret bank account or money stash that no one knows about?
Of course, so secret I don't know about it either...

8. In what ways are you a survivor?
Like Reba, "I'm a Survivor"

9. Is there someone that you just don't like, despite your best efforts?
Yes, Robin's secret best friend

10. If you were in a plane that was plummeting to the ground, what would be your final thoughts?
How do I land this sucker safely, and make sure I get Exit Row organized for the fast exit. Plans A, B, and C if needed would be put into place

~Bonus Question~When was the last time you were naked in front of someone other than your partner or spouse?
Completely naked, birth

I am off to bed now. Once again, these are the questions- and those were my answers folks... Keep on keepin' on!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Vintage Photos

In cohoots with Robin and I- and the old photo...

Check out these Vintage Photos- the captions really add to the moment!


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Cheers to the Olympics

Not every Olympic event has been a success. Some, like live pigeon shooting and equestrian high jump, lasted just one year. Here's a look at some other sports no longer in the Olympic program:

Rope climb (1896, 1904, 1924, 1932): Using only their hands, competitors try to see how fast they can get to the top of the rope.

One-hand weightlifting (1896): Similar to the modern snatch event, but athletes were only allowed to use one hand.

Tug-of-war (1900-1920): Two teams of eight try to pull a rope six feet; if neither team reaches the mark after five minutes, the team that pulls the farthest wins.

Standing high jump (1900-1912): Same as the traditional high jump, only without a run-up.
Standing broad jump (1900-1912): The long jump without a run-up.
Standing triple jump (1900-1904): Also known as the hop, step and jump; started from a stationary position.

Underwater swimming (1900): Swimmers were awarded points for how far they went and how long they stayed under water.
Swimming obstacle race (1900): Racers had to swim through the River Seine, climb up and down a pole, then go over and under several boats.

Live pigeon shooting (1900): The birds were released and shooters tried to kill as many as possible.

Equestrian high jump (1900): Riders see who can jump the highest on horseback.
Equestrian long jump (1900): Long jumping on horseback.

Basque pelota (1900): A form of handball played mostly on the border of Spain and France.

Rugby union (1900, 1908-24): One of the most popular team sports in the world still waiting to get back into the Olympics.

56-pound weight throw (1904, 1920): A 56-pound weight affixed with a handle that's thrown over a pole vault bar.
All-around dumbbell contest (1904): Competitors performed 10 different lifts with dumbbells over two days.

Club swinging (1904): Similar to rhythmic gymnastics, only the competitors swing clubs around their bodies.

Plunge diving (1904): From a standing position, divers see how far they can go without taking a stroke.

Duelling pistol (1906): Shooters fired at mannequins wearing frock coats and bull's-eyes on their chests.

Motor boating (1908): Three categories of races in boats; IOC later decided against allowing anything with a motor.

Jeu de paume (1908): Similar to squash, only competitors use their hands instead of a racket to strike the ball.

Plain high diving (1912-24): Divers were not allowed to do any acrobatic moves; they just dove straight into the water.

Tumbling (1932): Athletes do flips and twists along a two-foot-wide strip; now part of the modern gymnastics floor exercise.

Solo synchronized swimming (1984-92): Swimmers were awarded points based on routines synchronized to music.

So- I'm all for adding Tug-of-War back in!!! Good stuff...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Beiläufige Fragen

Well Sir- I'm bored, and just my luck Robin has posted her Random Questions. And here we go...

1. How would the person who likes you the least describe you?
bossy, nosey, controlling, and over the top loud

2. How would the person who loves you the most describe you?
(fill in the blank whomever you are) ___________

3. How would you describe you?
practically perfect in every way

4. What is your favorite song at the moment?
Darth Vader's Imperial March

5. When was the last time you displayed false humility?
when I fake lost a game of pool to my brother- with a wink, a nudge, and a "good game"

6. Do you have any hypochondriac tendencies?
my picking at my eyes, could be borderline hypo

7. Do you have a shit list, and if so, how many people are on it?
why yes I do!!! Right now, about 3 people

8. Have you ever accepted an invitation to an event and then canceled because something better came up?
I've often looked for better things to come up- but end of going to the accepted invitation

9. Do you have any obsessive compulsive traits?
Christmas Tree Decorations

10. Have you ever slept with someone on a first date?
Maybe on Last Call- but not a first date, never

~Bonus Question~Have you ever had a hemorrhoid?
Again, maybe on Last Call... I think that's what his nickname was


Monday, August 4, 2008

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Random Questions of the Week

So - I don't see Robin's Random Thursday Questions of the week, once again- as stated it is my duty to provide the questions when necessary... so here we go!
1. When showering- in what order do you wash and clean yourself, including hair? Were you taught or did you perfect your own strategy??
I am impressed with my 2 minute showers- I start with shampooing my hair and rinse, I put in the conditioner and while it's doing it's magic, I wash from the top of the neck down, ending with my left foot. Then I wash my face- and rinse out my hair and facial soap all at the same moment- and hop out. Proud to say- self taught :)
2. Who is the biggest gossip in your family?
I think it's me, close 2nd is Robs, and Nancy and Heather are at a neck and neck tie.
3. Who is the most influential person in your life right now?
Besides me, and I am very impressed with Robin and her business. She's got smarts beyond belief and inspires me every day to think about what I really want to do- and not be afraid to just do it.
4. Have you ever been constipated, and if so what did you do?
Sadly to say, it's my latest ailment. I ate some apples- somewhere I think I remember hearing about apples and the possibilities- this morning, along with some coffee recommended by others- IT WORKED!!! Feeling much better thank you.
5. What reality TV Show would you want to be on right now?
I would love to get Molly and Peter, and myself on the Dog Whisperer... I just wonder- really wonder, if he could master the walk. I know from every episode, the people all have their doubts, and he proves them wrong and takes over in a matter of minutes turning their pets into well behaved dogs, etc... But, I really do have my doubts how the walk would go with Peter and Molly- it would be so fun to watch and hopefully learn.
6. Do you have a certain word or phrase you always use that you are aware of? If not- ask your friends/ family for the answer...
Mine is the word "All right..." said at the end of conversations when I am ready to leave and get going. I think you all know my voice and exactly how I say it. I was unaware of it, until my "All right" was interrupted by an unsuspecting person of what it means, and the reactions that followed were hillarious- and now aware of it, I do use it all the time. Even my dogs know when I say "All right" that's it- whatever we are doing is over. I even have heard my taped calls at work that are monitored- and I use it with my customers all the time too. Funny.
7. What video game would you challenge your friends to for a $1,000,000 prize. (hmmm- thinking about my own new reality TV show- probably video games from the past... copyrighted people- so you can't steal my idea)
Tetris. Any challengers? And possibly Frogger. Depending on how far we go back. I would love to add Mortal Kombat to my list, but you know who you are- can pretty much always beat me. Oh- and Mario Kart- but then Coley and Toad can do some damage on certain courses.
8. Out of all the people you know- who would you vote for President?
Again me. I think the way I run things is extremely the right way... lol Besides myself, I would vote for - Mom on her good days. She was really genuine, an excellent debater, very thoughtful, very smart, talented, a natural pack leader, great with people of all varieties, and an awesome DJ- Mom's tunes are the best!!!
9. If you were President- what would be you number 1 change? And who would be your VP??
Change- I would really look into the wealth of our nation- and how we could change to make life more affordable for the majority of people, who are working but struggling paycheck to paycheck- not everyone can be a millionaire- so there has got to be a way to make health insurance, housing, a good education, etc... easier on these folks- get back to being able to sustain the way of life- without both parents needing to work full time jobs, being able to spend more time with friends and family and enjoy the Quality of Life- not the quantity and the greed.
VP- probably a shocker to the only person who reads my blog- but right now I would like to put Steve-O-Rino in the position. I like his ideas and think we could come up with some excellent changes- only because I'm in charge, but would really like his input. (Sorry Robs)
10. What is your favorite- cheeseiest- movie of all times?
Flash Gordon people- see it!!! It's so bad, awesomely bad. However, they did get "Queen" to do their soundtrack- interesting...
~Bonus Question~ What is the weirdest game you ever made up to play when you were a child, an original home-made that makes you laugh to this day?
I have a bag full- and they all make me giggle- and I wonder if we (my siblings and I) were to play them now- what the outcomes would be, especially Rocket Rides- I think I could finally get a Rocket Ride from my brother Coley- I was the oldest and always had to give the Rocket Rides- I think Robin tried, but no real luck- I would love to have been them for a day to be the receiver of an awesome Rocket Ride down a flight of stairs... back to the question...
I will go with Bulls. There are 4 of us - and we would compete one on one in the family room on all fours, and fight like bulls, and I think winner took on the next oponent. I wonder though- I don't think I have ever seen bulls fight eachother- so who knows how I came up with the idea. It was fun though. Being the oldest won me many rounds :)
And those are the questions of the week- I hope to see them answered by all!!!