Tuesday, June 17, 2008

And the blog-telethon continues...

Some great questions found on another blog I think we should all answer.

1. How often per day do you feel ugly?
when I have the "morning face"

2. Have you ever sucked the toes of another person?
oh hell no

3. Have you ever witnessed "what goes around comes around" in action?
yes- and it ain't pretty

4. In what ways are you parsimonious?
in the only ways I know how- and perhaps I am not in any way

5. Are there any parts of your body that you are ashamed of?
yes- my leader toe- he's out of control that one

6. Was there a teacher or professor that changed your life?
Meine Deutschen Professoren

7. What is the most ironic thing that has happened to you recently?
wouldn't you believe- this morning, I woke up BEFORE my alarm went off- ironic eh

8. Has someone ever saved your life, either figuratively or literally?
Jackson Memorial Hospital Circa 1990

9. What is your biggest time waster?
Super Nintendo Mario Allstars and Super Mario World people!!!

10. At this moment, how many people are you mad at?
I'm a little po'd at everyone and no one at the same time- is it my moodiness- or others? OTHERS!!!

~Bonus Question~Do you ever blow your nose while in the shower?
No time- my showers are a military- under one minute mission.

And so my blog will continue- as will my car troubles, snot rockets in flight, and the all the rest of the mother jazz that happens day to day. And again, like a dear dear friend of mine who likes to add a little something something to her- or his- blog... It's Best Part Worst Part of the day...

Best Part- Visiting with my nosey neighbors- they are a hoot!

Worst Part- Did you see my earlier response- Car troubles- I have them- I hates them- and that is all.

Who It Is has left the building- Good Night!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Nosey neighbors??! And why so coy about where you got the questions for your entry? And why did you drive your car to work if the check engine light was on? Questions!!!