Saturday, June 21, 2008

It's Saturday Morning...

Guten Morgan alle!!!

So, I have so become a morning person now. Who knew? I worked nothing but night jobs up until my latest job, and now I cannot sleep in past 7am. Kind of annoying. But then again, I do not think I would want to go back to working nights and the bar scene. The kind of jobs you sleep all day- wake up, go to work, and stay up until the sun starts to rise. Now I am amazed if I make it past midnight. It's a fete of strengths.

Still don't know about my car troubles. Car seems to be running fine- but the annoying check engine light will not go away. So it be.

I am trying to raise money for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa. My team and I are bowling for Kid's Sake on July 11th and need to raise $1000 minimum. If you are reading this blog- and are interested in donating- please leave a comment. It's for a great cause- and you can check out their website to see how much good your donation means!!!

So there it is this fine- thunderstorming morning. I hope someone can help.

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