Saturday, June 28, 2008

Does Anbody Read This?

I think only Robin reads my blog. Hmmmpf. However, I have decided to answer the Thursday specials...

1. What do you miss the most about your childhood?
My family- the military life- Glamour Girls Cruise Ship

2. How many books would you estimate you own?

3. Do you know any true visionaries?
yes- and if you all reading this know me- than you too know somebody

4. Who is the neediest person you know?
Peter Martin it is

5. What is your nighttime routine before tucking into bed?
Let the dogs out- turn off the lights- turn down the covers- and sleep

6. Last week Bleak found someone's head. What's the most disgusting thing you've ever found?
(Just so you guys know, "Bleak" didn't find anyone's head. It was a joke gone horribly wrong.)
a dead rat in my yard

7. What scents or odors do you associate with bad memories?
the stale alcohol on the breath smell

8. Have you ever flirted with a teacher or professor to get better grades?
to get better grades-no. to flirt- yes

9. Have you ever been sued?
No. So sue me!

10. Do you have an unrequited love?

~Bonus Question~What has the past year been like for you?
Fast and furious

1 comment:

Robin said...

Well, I enjoy reading it. :) I totally forgot about the Glamour Girls cruise ship--that was the best.