Saturday, August 2, 2008

Random Questions of the Week

So - I don't see Robin's Random Thursday Questions of the week, once again- as stated it is my duty to provide the questions when necessary... so here we go!
1. When showering- in what order do you wash and clean yourself, including hair? Were you taught or did you perfect your own strategy??
I am impressed with my 2 minute showers- I start with shampooing my hair and rinse, I put in the conditioner and while it's doing it's magic, I wash from the top of the neck down, ending with my left foot. Then I wash my face- and rinse out my hair and facial soap all at the same moment- and hop out. Proud to say- self taught :)
2. Who is the biggest gossip in your family?
I think it's me, close 2nd is Robs, and Nancy and Heather are at a neck and neck tie.
3. Who is the most influential person in your life right now?
Besides me, and I am very impressed with Robin and her business. She's got smarts beyond belief and inspires me every day to think about what I really want to do- and not be afraid to just do it.
4. Have you ever been constipated, and if so what did you do?
Sadly to say, it's my latest ailment. I ate some apples- somewhere I think I remember hearing about apples and the possibilities- this morning, along with some coffee recommended by others- IT WORKED!!! Feeling much better thank you.
5. What reality TV Show would you want to be on right now?
I would love to get Molly and Peter, and myself on the Dog Whisperer... I just wonder- really wonder, if he could master the walk. I know from every episode, the people all have their doubts, and he proves them wrong and takes over in a matter of minutes turning their pets into well behaved dogs, etc... But, I really do have my doubts how the walk would go with Peter and Molly- it would be so fun to watch and hopefully learn.
6. Do you have a certain word or phrase you always use that you are aware of? If not- ask your friends/ family for the answer...
Mine is the word "All right..." said at the end of conversations when I am ready to leave and get going. I think you all know my voice and exactly how I say it. I was unaware of it, until my "All right" was interrupted by an unsuspecting person of what it means, and the reactions that followed were hillarious- and now aware of it, I do use it all the time. Even my dogs know when I say "All right" that's it- whatever we are doing is over. I even have heard my taped calls at work that are monitored- and I use it with my customers all the time too. Funny.
7. What video game would you challenge your friends to for a $1,000,000 prize. (hmmm- thinking about my own new reality TV show- probably video games from the past... copyrighted people- so you can't steal my idea)
Tetris. Any challengers? And possibly Frogger. Depending on how far we go back. I would love to add Mortal Kombat to my list, but you know who you are- can pretty much always beat me. Oh- and Mario Kart- but then Coley and Toad can do some damage on certain courses.
8. Out of all the people you know- who would you vote for President?
Again me. I think the way I run things is extremely the right way... lol Besides myself, I would vote for - Mom on her good days. She was really genuine, an excellent debater, very thoughtful, very smart, talented, a natural pack leader, great with people of all varieties, and an awesome DJ- Mom's tunes are the best!!!
9. If you were President- what would be you number 1 change? And who would be your VP??
Change- I would really look into the wealth of our nation- and how we could change to make life more affordable for the majority of people, who are working but struggling paycheck to paycheck- not everyone can be a millionaire- so there has got to be a way to make health insurance, housing, a good education, etc... easier on these folks- get back to being able to sustain the way of life- without both parents needing to work full time jobs, being able to spend more time with friends and family and enjoy the Quality of Life- not the quantity and the greed.
VP- probably a shocker to the only person who reads my blog- but right now I would like to put Steve-O-Rino in the position. I like his ideas and think we could come up with some excellent changes- only because I'm in charge, but would really like his input. (Sorry Robs)
10. What is your favorite- cheeseiest- movie of all times?
Flash Gordon people- see it!!! It's so bad, awesomely bad. However, they did get "Queen" to do their soundtrack- interesting...
~Bonus Question~ What is the weirdest game you ever made up to play when you were a child, an original home-made that makes you laugh to this day?
I have a bag full- and they all make me giggle- and I wonder if we (my siblings and I) were to play them now- what the outcomes would be, especially Rocket Rides- I think I could finally get a Rocket Ride from my brother Coley- I was the oldest and always had to give the Rocket Rides- I think Robin tried, but no real luck- I would love to have been them for a day to be the receiver of an awesome Rocket Ride down a flight of stairs... back to the question...
I will go with Bulls. There are 4 of us - and we would compete one on one in the family room on all fours, and fight like bulls, and I think winner took on the next oponent. I wonder though- I don't think I have ever seen bulls fight eachother- so who knows how I came up with the idea. It was fun though. Being the oldest won me many rounds :)
And those are the questions of the week- I hope to see them answered by all!!!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Good thing you were so nice about me being an inspiration--I guess I can deal with not being your VP. I thought I was Ops O, though.
Good questions--I'll do them tomorrow on my blaaag probably.